Friday 22 June 2012

Be like the Mighty Simba.

Ever watched a lion hunt. It singles out a single gazelle and no matter how fat a gazelle maybe and criss-crosses it's path, it just keep on the initial chase.

It made me to think; what if in life in spite of all the helters and skelters we just kept focused on one goal and nothing else but the initial goal.But it isn't easy to get focused when so many  have expectations of you. 

Focus and consistency is the key to this life. Mahtma Gandhi, Luther King, Mother Teresa...all had a focus in life. You won't make a difference in this world by trying to trying to do everything and ending up doing nothing. Decide what you are passionately good and do it honestly to yourself and to the almighty. It might not be the most well paid but there is a reason that passion is in you. After-all, the most rewarding thing is to know that by the end of the day you have touched a life.But you won't touch a life if you want to be everywhere at the same time. You won't make a better relationship if you want to be with everyone. Above all, you must be ready to make sacrifices.

1 comment:

  1. Lord, even if it may be dark all around me, let me focus on visions of good things, for it is by faith that miracles shall come to be.
